
Piazza Stesicoro contains the place in which the Patrona of Catania was put down on the ardent brands. The origins of this church go up again at 1098. After the earthquake of the 1693 it was rebuilt because of the will of the bishop Andrew Riggio, that there incorporated the filial church of St. Biagio of which the new temple took the name. The same bishop, in the 1710, founded there the congregation of the secular priests, under the title of "Holy Maria of the Seven Pains" (a company of mute help). To remember this episode, on the prospectus of the temple, there is a big medallion of the Our Lady of Sorrows, work of Calì Savior. On the attic, to the center, a marmoreal group representing S. Agatha with angels; to the sides the statues of S. Andrew and S. Biagio. From this church, every year, at midday of February 3, the solemn procession of the bishops and of the city municipality moves for the offer of the wax from the Catanian inhabitants to the Patrona.