
The cult of Isis in Sicily comes in flower when the goddess is identified with the as one celebrated Proserpina. Such identification was common then; Apuleio expressly affirms that the Siculians ones called Isis Proserpina. The Alexandrine cult blooms therefore in Sicily in the first centuries of the Christian age and, as elsewhere it represents a period of transition between the dying paganism and the triumphant Christianity. You it is in once in which it already starts to prevail the mysticism, that pushes the spirits to rise toward the sky and almost to annihiliate in the contemplation of an only divinity. If it is true that the Alexandrine doctrine didn't know entirely to release from beliefs and superstitions inherited nearby by the east and the religion of Isis to sublime ideas and precepts of healthy ethic, it had eccentric concepts and reprehensible practices; it is also true that flattened the road to the triumphant Christianity. By now it has already been put in clear as in the lives of the saints and in our religious parties many elements of that cult are preserved, as also in the history of the sacred art certain characters of the type of the Egyptian goddess persist. She is seen represented with his sucking child, and at times in attitude that remembers in unusual way our Madonnas.Later this comes there to ask to us if in the cities of Sicily, and especially in Catana, where the Alexandrine cult mostly bloomed, has occupied the place of Isis some holy Christian, and if in the party than this is to track down the ancient party of the Egyptian goddess. The suspect is confirmed by the circumstance that in the literature sacred catanese, according to a tradition that goes up again to ancient writers, he is spoken of a party that in the pagan age every year was celebrated in honor of a statue of woman, that tightened a child to the breast and that it was transported around triumphally for the city. And the same writers put in relationship that party with the other of Sant'Agata found that the pomp and the devotion that people shows to the holy one were grafted on the trunk of the ancient rite; and reporting themself to other ancient tradition that he/she spoke of similar party near the Egyptians to the anterior epoch to the Christianity, they repute that in Catania is really come from Egypt. Truth is that that ancient party in Catania was in honor of Isis and that then it was replaced with few to the time to the popular party of Sant'Agata.The description that Apuleio has left each other in his Metamorphoses of the party of Iside in Corinto strikes us for the marvelous resemblance with the party of Sant'Agata, especially what it was described by the Carrera in the century XVII. Apuleio is reported to that party that in Rome " Isidis " " navigium " was said, marked in the Roman calendar the day 5 March, and that it grew luxuriant through the triumphant Christianity, as it shows the fact that writers speak century of it of the IV, not only, but also of the time of Giustiniano. It was a maritime party, in how much it essentially consisted of consecrating to the goddess, Isis Pelagia, the ship that was fling then in the sea, so that the procession from the temple brought on the beach, where it took place the sacred ceremony. And of maschile nature seems pits in its origins the party of Sant'Agata. The procession from the temple went down on the harbor, as in Corinto, not to launch in sea the ship, but because there had landed the boat that brought the sacred relics of the holy one.The " nude " that threw with ropes the sacred coffin brought (as they actually do to today) on the suits a shirt, similar to the Isiacs dressed of a tunic of white flax. To the party they took part the women, as in the cult of Isis; and in Catania it didn't miss the contest of the masquerade, as in Corinto. La martyr S. Agatha which the breast was torn and which the women offer today also wax breasts in grace of the gotten recovery, the place of the Egyptian goddess, that symbolized the manufacturing strength of the nature that was considered as the distibutor of the milk to the dawning humanity took, so much that in the procession of Corinto a minister of the cult brought in hand a gold pot to form of breast and the presence of the people he did he drank some milk. To the veil of Isis, to the sails of the Egyptian ship, the miraculous veil of the holy catanese was replaced. And if so it is, the cult of Isis in the ground of Catana had put well firm roots.