fotofesta.jpg (6276 byte)It is the party more felt from the people catanian and awaited with the same enthusiasm and solemnity we prepare Easter and Christmas. His origins are rather remote, but it is sure that the external manifestations led origin from the return to Catania of the relics of the martyr, it happened in August 17 1126, while the bishop of Catania was the benedettinian Maurizio. The relics of the saint had been transferred to Constantinople 80 years about before, by the Byzantine general Georgio Maniace. The liturgical cult of the saint, that Pious XII retained between the more venerated in the Churches of East and West since the fourth and the fith centuries and, sinks its origins in the first Middle Age; and in fact already S. Gregorio Magno for the Roman rite and S. Ambrogio for the ambrosianian Missal composed in honor of S. Agata some splendid liturgy. S. Agata is present since the ancient times in the missals of other rites and in almost all the Greek "menologi" and always February 5, day of her death, or, like it is told in liturgical language, of her "Christmas to the Sky". During the preceding centuries S. Agata had been celebrated from the catanian people with a ritual exclusively religious. It was in February 4 1519 that his relics were, for the first time, taken around for the streets of the city on a "fercolo" all of silver (the "vara"). On the "fercolo" is situated the bust of the saint, tall 60 centimeters including the base, entirely of gilded silver, masterpiece of the Italian goldssmith of the second half of the Three hundred, adorned with very handsome enamels realized in the famous French shops of Limoges, from the Giovanni [senese] Of Bartolo; the bust is [ricoperto] of ex precious vote (between which a cross gemmated of the Five hundred, a necklace of the end of the Eight hundred, an other gemmated cross, a big necklace of the Toson of gold of the Six hundred and, high masterpiece, the crown of the holy, that according to the tradition had offered to the virgin from the king from England Riccardo "Cuor of Leo" in the 1191, little before leave for the third Crusade, already in course for any year). Beyond to the bust, he/she/it/you on the [fercolo] comes situated, in the days of the celebrations, the urn that contains the relics of the holy. The real [fercolo] replaced, for the procession, the primitive [vara] (that he/she/it/you was of gilded wood, course to shoulder from the white and barefoot naked persons, those that they then were, and I/they am, the "city"). he/she/it/you had built in silver from Vincent Archifel, artist of origin Neapolitan that worked to Catania from the 1486 at 1533 o'clock. The jobs went from the 1515 at 1519 o'clock. The [fercolo] has the form of a [tempietto] with a wide front m.1,46 and along m.2,75 supported from six columns of style [corinzio] that supports a [trabeazione] that ends [orientaleggiante] to flakes in a dome embroiders, with rectangular base, of dimensions as soon as inferior to those [anzidette]. As he/she/it/you appears today, after not few retouches and "enrichments"- that they ever were not modifications [sostanziali- subìti] in the course of the centuries